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Frequently Asked Questions

   Q: Wildfire crashes my machine. I have an 68040 processor.

   A: Try to run the `Patch for 68040 bug in
      "mathieeesingbas.library" V40`
      aminet:util/boot/MathPatch.lha 2733 Bytes

   Q: Does the transition maker not work in the demo mode?

   A: Since Version 3.90 it is fixed!

   Q: Wildfire crashes on my CyberGFX-System!

   A: Just decrunch the draggadget.lha archive from the
      Wildfire/Bonus drawer and start the `patchgels` program.
      This will fix a bug inside the old Cybergrafix Software.
      Some other bugs are fixed in the latest version:
      aminet:dev/gui/draggadget10b2.lha 60430 Bytes
      Just copy the new version (check if it is newer
      than your version!) of the drag.gadget into the
      Wildfire/System drawer.

   Q: Wildfire asks for amigaguide.library V37 at startup but
      I have installed it!!!

   A: 1. The libs:amigaguide.library and the
         sys:Classes/DataTypes/amigaguide.datatype files
         are on your Workbench 3.0/3.1 system disks!
      2. Be sure your startup-sequence contains the
         following lines:

         assign libs: hd0:classes add
         adddatatypes REFRESH QUIET            (since OS3.1)

         This is necessary because the amigaguide.datatype
         and maybe some other components will be initialized
         while opening the system-libraries.
         (This means that the error-message which is produced
          by the startup-code I use is wrong.)

   Q: Which assigns etc. are necessary to run your program ?

   A: Wildfire works after booting without startup-sequence
      if you enter the following lines:

      assign libs: hd0:classes add
      adddatatypes REFRESH QUIET
      stack 10000

      After that the most parts of the program (converting,
      processing images, playing animations) work without
      problems. The only "bad" thing I found is the online-help
      which is displayed as plain text.

   Q: There are plans to create PowerPC-version of Wildfire ?

   A: Yes, a PowerPC-version will be available very soon.
      (The compiler is installed but we have no PPC-board yet.)

   Q: How about a p.OS-version of Wildfire ?

   A: We are working on it!